Barry Doolittle

Retired Senior Human Performance Technology Specia
@baryalang hasn't posted anything.

Contact Me

Landline: 630565820306
Mobile: 639284737831

About Me

Retired Senior Human Performance Technology Specialist

Provide service to the young people of the Philippines through educational efforts as a computer based educational developer, Computer Based Training (CBT) skills and theory instructor, Web Based Training developer (WBT), computer communication specialist, and Christian.

Provide development organizations and educational institutions direction as a consulting Instructor. The next 5 years will see the same explosion of computer use in education that hardware platforms enjoyed in the early 80's.

I assist educational institutions with a need for a design and development instructor with several years of experience. I enjoy cross culture experiences. Entrepreneurial, established, public, private, pre-IPO, or Christian Churches can all provide the needed resources to build Web Based Training (WBT) and empowerment systems to help the coming generations.